E-Visa Holders Can Now Enter Andaman and Nicobar Islands Through Port Blair

New Delhi: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are on the brink of a tourism surge following a significant policy shift by the Ministry of Home Affairs. An Integrated Check Post (ICP) has been approved to allow foreign nationals with e-visas to enter through Port Blair seaport. This move aims to position the islands as a top global tourist destination and is part of a broader initiative that includes five other major Indian seaports: Mumbai, New Mangalore, Cochin, Mormugao, and Chennai.

Tourism Secretary Vishwendra emphasized the prime period for yacht charters, from October to May, which offers calm seas ideal for exploring the islands’ stunning beaches and lagoons. The tropical climate during these months enhances the appeal of yacht tourism, a key attraction for visitors.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are renowned for their vibrant coral reefs and tranquil waters, attracting nature lovers and adventure seekers. The new e-visa policy will make these natural wonders more accessible, streamlining the process for international tourists and aligning with the vision of making the islands a premier global tourist destination. Local tour operators are optimistic about the e-visa system, viewing it as a catalyst for growth in adventure tourism. The ability for yachts and cruise ships to dock rather than merely passing by is expected to boost direct and indirect revenue for the local economy. However, there are concerns over the high import tax on yachts, which stands around 50 percent and could impact the growth of yacht tourism.

Overall, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are poised to gain a prominent place on the global tourism map, attracting international travelers, yacht enthusiasts, and business visitors alike.


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