Massive Boost for Indian Chess: AICF President Nitin Narang Unveils INR 65 Crore Budget

New Delhi: Nitin Narang, the newly elected President of the All-India Chess Federation (AICF), has announced a groundbreaking budget of INR 65 Crore to take Indian chess to unprecedented heights.

During the AICF general body meeting held late this evening, Narang unveiled several key initiatives focused on bolstering the Indian chess ecosystem. These initiatives aim to provide financial and institutional support to players at both professional and grassroots levels.

Narang emphasised the importance of supporting players who often face challenges due to a lack of funds, institutional backing, and opportunities. He outlined a comprehensive plan to empower and elevate grassroots players to global standards. With the vision of ‘Ghar Ghar Chess – Har Ghar Chess’, Narang aims to make chess a household activity across India.

Key initiatives announced include the introduction of programs like AICF Pro for national-level players and AICF Popular to promote chess at the grassroots level. The federation also plans to establish a State-of-the-art National Chess Arena (NCA) for elite-level training and implement an India-specific player ranking system.

In addition to financial support for players, the AICF will introduce ‘One Nation, One Registration‘, an online platform for seamless player registration. Cash rewards will be allocated to the top 20 chess players in the country to recognize their excellence.

The AICF will also support state associations financially for three years and reserve 33% of positions for women in various key areas within the chess community.

Furthermore, the federation aims to enhance inclusivity through programs like Women In Chess and encourage content creation through collaborations with YouTubers and influencers.

Narang has identified four major challenges facing Indian chess: integrating chess into school curricula, nurturing talent, strengthening grassroots academies, and ensuring the sustainability of the AICF. His initiatives are designed to address these challenges while promoting excellence and inclusivity in the game.

With these ambitious plans, Narang envisions India emerging as a nation of grandmasters, transcending socioeconomic barriers and fostering a thriving chess community across generations.

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