Delhi: To mark the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, the Indian Navy has elevated its Inter School Quiz competitions to a national level event called “The Indian Navy Quiz (THINQ),” which has now transformed into an international competition named “G20 THINQ” as India assumes the G20 Presidency. This event, organized by the Navy in collaboration with NWWA (Navy Welfare and Wellness Association) in partnership with the G20 Secretariat, will feature both national and international rounds. The National Round of G20 THINQ is open to students in Classes IX to XII, with more than 11,700 schools registered to participate. It will consist of two online elimination rounds on September 12, 2023, and October 3, 2023. Following this, an online quarter-final will be held on October 10, 2023, with 16 teams advancing to the semi-finals (four schools from each zone). The semi-finalists will gather in Mumbai for the national semi-finals at the NCPA auditorium on November 17, 2023. The top 08 teams will then compete in the National final round, scheduled to take place at the Gateway of India on November 18, 2023. After the national round, two outstanding quizzers from the finalists will represent Team India in the international round.
The International Round of G20 THINQ will feature students from G20+9 nations, forming teams of two students each. This global competition aims to strengthen the bonds of friendship among G20 partners. All participants, including the 16 national semi-finalists and international teams, will have the opportunity to explore India’s rich heritage and culture during their visit, visiting various popular sites across the country. The international finals are set to occur on November 22, 2023, in New Delhi. To streamline school registrations and provide event-related information, a dedicated website (www.theindiannavyquiz.in) has been established for G20 THINQ. As India passes the G20 Presidency to Brazil on December 1, 2023, G20 THINQ will serve as a significant conclusion to a series of remarkable events held since December 2022. It will mark the grand finale of India’s Presidency, which witnessed numerous noteworthy achievements within the G20 on the global stage.
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