“Diplomatic drama unfolds: India and Canada clash over killing of pro-Khalistan terrorists”

New Delhi: In an interesting diplomatic saga, India and Canada find themselves locked in a major standoff over the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a notorious pro-Khalistan terrorist. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau created a diplomatic storm by accusing the Indian government of possible involvement in the murder.

Indian High Commissioner Sanjay Kumar Verma, in an exclusive interview with CTV News channel, demanded Canada to provide “specific and relevant” evidence to support Trudeau’s bold claims. Verma raised questions on the rule of law and said that India was considered guilty even before the investigation was completed. “Is this the rule of law?” He challenged.

Speaking to The Globe and Mail, Verma revealed that neither Canada nor its allies have collected any concrete evidence related to Nijjar’s murder. He stressed India’s willingness to cooperate, but only if critical puzzle pieces required for a thorough investigation are presented.

Trudeau’s allegations triggered a diplomatic dance of expelling diplomats and suspending visa services, a move Verma suggests has tainted the Canadian police investigation. The Indian envoy raised eyebrows by questioning the legality of the wiretap and the lack of concrete evidence.

Amid concerns over his safety, Verma called for a professional solution through communication and dialogue. He urged Canada to rein in Khalistan supporters and stressed on waiting for India to act on its long-pending extradition requests.

As the diplomatic theater unfolds, the world is watching and wondering whether this clash of the titans will escalate or be resolved in the interesting realm of international relations.

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