“Hamas attack on Israel raises global terrorism concerns: FBI director warns of grave threat”

New Delhi: In a shocking development, the recent Hamas attack on Israel has raised concerns about the growing threat of terrorism. FBI Director Christopher Wray issued a dire warning, saying the United States faces the greatest terror threat in a decade since the rise of ISIS. The attack on Israel by Hamas, which resulted in more than 1,400 people being killed and 200 hostages being taken, has not only drawn international condemnation, but has prompted foreign terrorist organizations to call for attacks against Americans and the West.

Wray emphasized that this situation also increases the threat from domestic violent extremists. He said the influence of Hamas and its allies could be as significant as when ISIS declared its caliphate several years ago. Israel’s response to the Hamas attack, which included a large-scale air and ground campaign in Gaza, resulted in significant loss of life, primarily civilians and children.

According to the State Department, there has been a worrying increase in threats against Jewish, Muslim and Arab Americans in the United States since the Gaza conflict began. In addition, Iran-backed militia groups have increased attacks on US military bases abroad. The situation is becoming more complex given Iran’s support for Hamas and Hezbollah. Wray also highlighted the possibility of cyber attacks against the US by Iran and non-state actors if the conflict escalates.

This recent development underlines the need for increased vigilance and international cooperation to combat the emerging terrorism threat.

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