India-Singapore Strengthen Ties with Focus on Emerging and Futuristic Areas

New Delhi: India and Singapore on monday, reaffirmed their commitment to deepening cooperation in emerging and futuristic areas during the second India-Singapore Ministerial Roundtable (ISMR). The Indian delegation, led by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, and the Singaporean delegation, led by Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong, engaged in extensive discussions focused on six key pillars of collaboration.

The six pillars identified under ISMR include Digitalisation, Skill Development, Sustainability, Healthcare & Medicine, Advanced Manufacturing, and Connectivity. These areas were selected as strategic priorities that align with the evolving global landscape and the shared interests of both nations.

The meeting emphasized the importance of further enhancing cooperation between India and Singapore, particularly in sectors that are expected to drive future economic growth and development. The leaders acknowledged that fostering stronger ties in these domains would not only benefit their respective countries but also contribute to global innovation and progress.

In a post on X, the Indian finance ministry highlighted the significance of the discussions, noting that both sides explored ways to expand collaboration in these critical areas. The ISMR serves as a platform for both nations to align their efforts and strategies, ensuring that their partnership remains forward-looking and adaptive to emerging global trends.

This renewed commitment to cooperation underscores the strong bilateral relationship between India and Singapore, which has been marked by shared values, mutual respect, and a common vision for the future. As both countries continue to invest in these emerging sectors, their partnership is expected to yield significant advancements that will contribute to their long-term economic and technological leadership.


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