Prime Minister’s participation in the 15th BRICS Summit.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi engaged in the 15th BRICS Summit, presided over by South Africa, which took place in Johannesburg on August 23, 2023.

During the summit, the leaders conducted fruitful conversations covering topics such as the worldwide economic resurgence, collaboration with Africa and the broader Global South, and assessed the advancements achieved in the BRICS agenda up to this point.

During his address, Prime Minister called for a strengthened BRICS that will be:

B – Breaking barriers

R – Revitalising economies

I – Inspiring Innovation

C – Creating opportunities

S – Shaping the future

In his various interventions, Prime Minister highlighted the following:

● Called for setting defined timelines for UNSC reforms

● Called for reform of Multilateral Financial Institutions

● Called for reform of WTO

● Exhorted BRICS to build consensus on its expansion

● Urged BRICS to send a global message of unity and not polarisation

● Proposed creation of a BRICS Space Exploration Consortium

● Offered Indian Digital Public Infrastructure – the Indian stack to BRICS partners

● Proposed undertaking skill mapping, skilling and promoting mobility among BRICS countries

● Proposed joint efforts of BRICS countries for protection of Big Cats under International Big Cat Alliance

● Proposed establishing a repository of traditional medicine among BRICS countries

● Called upon BRICS partners to support AU’s permanent membership of the G20

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