Saturn and the Moon Align: A Rare Lunar Occultation Event to Watch on July 24-25, 2024

New Delhi: In a rare astronomical event, Saturn will align with the Moon on July 24-25, 2024, marking a significant moment in skywatching. This phenomenon, known as the Lunar Occultation of Saturn, occurs once every 18 years and will offer a unique viewing opportunity for astronomy enthusiasts and curious skygazers alike.

Starting at 1:30 AM IST on July 24, Saturn will begin its approach towards the Moon. By 1:44 AM IST, the Moon will completely obscure Saturn, hiding it from view. This period of occultation will last until 2:25 AM IST when Saturn will start to emerge from behind the Moon. This brief yet captivating celestial alignment will be visible across various regions including Sri Lanka, Myanmar, China, and Japan, making it a global spectacle for those interested in astronomical events.

For those who may miss this event, there is a second chance to witness a similar occurrence on October 14, 2024. Saturn’s rings can be seen silhouetted against the edge of the Moon during such occultations, providing a striking visual contrast. This event not only offers a chance to appreciate the beauty of our solar system but also serves as an opportunity for scientists to study these rare alignments.

Overall, the Lunar Occultation of Saturn is a thrilling event that will offer a spectacular view of the celestial mechanics at play. Make sure to mark your calendars and prepare your telescopes for this extraordinary night of stargazing.

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