Sustainable Development is the Future of Indian Cement Industry.

Delhi: National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCB) and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Hyderabad jointly organized a National Conference on Strategic Solutions and Opportunities for Cement Industry on 24 & 25 August 2023 at NCB Hyderabad. Conference was inaugurated by Shri Sunil Sharma, Special Chief Secretary (Energy), Government of Telangana. During his address he highlighted the significance of protecting the environment and urged collaboration between industries and research institutions to discover remedies for addressing global warming. 

Shri Krishna Aditya Sriramsetti, member secretary Telangana State Pollution Control Board appreciated NCB and IIT for organizing the conference and asked to implement all the suggestions and innovative ideas that will be deliberated during the course of the conference. Dr L P Singh, Director General-NCB said that the sustainable development is the collective effort by the industry, research organizations and Government. Professor K V L Subramaniam, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, highlighted the importance of R&D for sustainable development of cement and construction industry. Dr B Panduranga Rao, Joint Director & Unit In-charge NCB –Hyderabad & Bhubaneswar  briefed about the requirement of the conference to understand the hurdles facing cement industry in achieving net zero emissions so as to find the pragmatic solutions. 

More than 130 deligates from prominent cement manufacturing companies and allied industries such as Adani Cements, Chettinadu Cements, CII, Dalmia Cements, Deccan Cements, GCCA-India, KHD Humboldt Wedag, J K cements,  Malabar Cements, My Home cements, NCL Industries, Orient Cement Ltd, etc. attended the conference. A technical exposition was organized to display cutting-edge and contemporary technologies and equipment, essential for the cement industry to achieve their objectives of sustainability.

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