Boost your iPhone battery life: Apple’s 5 expert tips

New Delhi: Is your iPhone battery draining too quickly, or is its health below 90%? This could be due to inadequate maintenance. Apple suggests improving battery life by maintaining both its health and lifespan.

Battery life” refers to how long your device operates before needing a recharge, while “battery lifespan” is the duration until replacement.

To maximize battery life, Apple offers five tips for iPhone users:

  1. Keep your iPhone updated: Regularly update your iPhone to the latest iOS version for feature enhancements and important fixes that often affect battery life. This optimization improves overall device efficiency.
  2. Maintain proper temperature: iPhones perform best in temperatures between 16°C and 22°C (62°F to 72°F) and poorly in extremes. High temperatures above 35°C (95°F) can permanently damage battery capacity, while very cold environments temporarily reduce battery life. Keeping your iPhone within the ideal temperature range preserves optimal battery health.
  3. Remove case while charging: Certain iPhone cases can trap heat during charging, negatively affecting battery health. If your device overheats while charging, removing the case allows heat to dissipate efficiently, preserving battery health.
  4. Half-charge when storing: Before storing your iPhone for an extended period, like during vacations, ensure the battery is around 50% charged. Storing with a fully charged or discharged battery harms lifespan. Store in a cool, dry environment below 32°C (90°F) to avoid further damage. If storing for over six months, recharge to 50% every six months.
  5. Activate Low Power Mode: Apple introduced Low Power Mode with iOS 9 to conserve battery life by reducing display brightness, minimizing animations, and disabling background app refresh. It activates automatically at 20% battery and can be manually enabled through Settings > Battery. Note that some background operations are disabled to save battery power when Low Power Mode is active.
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