Serum Institute Launches Breakthrough Malaria Vaccine in Africa

Serum Institute Rolls Out New High Efficacy Malaria Vaccine In Africa

New Delhi: A revolutionary malaria vaccine, developed by the Serum Institute of India in collaboration with the University of Oxford, is now being rolled out in Africa. Côte d’Ivoire has become the first country in West Africa to administer the R21/Matrix-M vaccine.

WHO Approved

The R21/Matrix-M vaccine received approval from the World Health Organization (WHO) last year after a stringent regulatory and clinical evaluation. This vaccine is highly effective, affordable, and can be produced quickly on a large scale, marking a significant advancement in the fight against malaria.

Reducing Malaria’s Burden

Adar Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute of India, expressed optimism about reducing malaria’s burden. He stated, “Today’s launch of the R21/Matrix-M vaccine is a milestone after years of hard work with our partners at Oxford and Novavax.”

Commitment to Production

Poonawalla further added that Serum Institute is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to affordable and essential disease prevention. The company has pledged to produce 100 million doses of the R21 vaccine, aiming to protect millions and reduce malaria’s impact for future generations. Currently, 25 million doses have been manufactured, with an annual capacity of 100 million doses.

A New Era in Malaria Control

Professor Adrian Hill, Director of the Jenner Institute at Oxford University, highlighted that the R21/Matrix-M vaccine marks the beginning of a new era in malaria control. This high-efficacy vaccine is now available at a low cost and on a large scale, benefiting many countries in need. He hopes that the vaccine will soon be available to all African nations wishing to use it.

Initial Rollout in Africa

John C. Jacobs, President and CEO of Novavax, emphasized that the R21/Matrix-M vaccine is a vital tool in preventing the devastating impact of malaria on nearly half the world’s population. Africa has initially received 656,600 doses of the vaccine. In Côte d’Ivoire, 250,000 children under 23 months will be vaccinated in 16 regions. The vaccine has also been authorized by Ghana, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and the Central African Republic.

The launch of the R21/Matrix-M vaccine represents a significant step forward in the global fight against malaria, offering hope for millions at risk.

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