Italy Cracks Down on OpenAI’s ChatGPT Over Privacy Concerns

New Delhi: Italy’s data protection authority has raised concerns over OpenAI’s ChatGPT, a popular AI chatbot, stating that it violates privacy regulations. ChatGPT, known for its ability to generate content, faced scrutiny for allegedly breaching EU privacy rules.

The Italian watchdog, Garante, which actively evaluates AI platforms’ compliance with data privacy laws, briefly banned ChatGPT last year. Following an investigation, Garante concluded that there are potential privacy violations.

OpenAI, backed by Microsoft, has been given 30 days to present its defence. The investigation will consider input from a European task force comprised of national privacy watchdogs.

Italy’s actions mark the first regulatory curb on ChatGPT in Western Europe, highlighting the growing attention from lawmakers and regulators toward AI technologies. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes significant fines on companies found violating privacy rules.

In December, EU lawmakers and governments took steps toward regulating AI systems like ChatGPT, indicating a broader effort to establish rules governing this technology.

The development underscores the importance of privacy in AI advancements and the ongoing efforts to balance innovation with regulatory safeguards.

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