Opera Unveils AI-Powered Browser for iPhone Users Amid Apple’s New Rules

New Delhi: Opera, the renowned browser developer, is gearing up to introduce a game-changing browsing experience for iPhone users with its latest innovation: Opera One AI browser. This announcement comes on the heels of Apple’s decision to allow competition among browsers on iPhones, as mandated by the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA).

Opera has long been at the forefront of browser AI, with its Aria browser AI introduced in 2023. Building on this foundation, Opera redesigned its flagship desktop browser as Opera One, focusing on AI capabilities. Now, in 2024, Opera is set to bring this AI-centric approach to iOS devices.

The company took to social media to announce the impending launch of Opera One for iOS, promising a unique browsing experience powered by AI. Additionally, Opera revealed plans for a significant investment in a key AI infrastructure project in Europe to support the development of its new browser.

In response to Apple’s new browser rules, Opera has welcomed the move, emphasizing the importance of promoting competition and providing users with a broader range of browser options. Jørgen Arnesen, EVP Mobile at Opera, expressed excitement about the possibilities enabled by the DMA and praised Apple’s steps toward increased interoperability with iPhone features.

Arnesen highlighted Opera’s commitment to this vision, reflected in the upcoming release of Opera One for iOS. He also applauded Apple’s decision to introduce a browser choice screen for iOS, simplifying the process for users to set their preferred browser as the default on their mobile devices.

With Opera’s AI-powered browser on the horizon, iPhone users can look forward to a fresh and innovative browsing experience, ushering in a new era of competition and choice in the mobile browser market.

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