Delhi Education Resumes Amid Lingering ‘Very Poor’ Air Quality.

Delhi: Amidst ongoing concerns over Delhi’s ‘very poor’ air quality, schools have reopened their doors, signaling a return to routine for students despite lingering pollution worries. Despite the Air Quality Index (AQI) holding steady at 310, well within the ‘very poor’ category, government-aided and private schools have resumed classes as per the directive issued by the authorities.

The decision to reopen schools follows the revocation of Stage IV curbs under the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP), citing an apparent improvement in the city’s air quality. However, while the situation shows signs of amelioration, concerns linger as pollutants continue to mar the skyline, prompting Environment Minister Gopal Rai to urge continued caution among residents.

The move to reopen schools comes with cautious measures in place. Outdoor sports activities and morning assemblies remain suspended for the next week, ensuring minimal exposure to the still-prevalent pollution. The directive also mandates informing parents well in advance about the resumption of physical classes, highlighting the importance of maintaining awareness amid the persisting air quality concerns.

As Delhi navigates this precarious balance between education resumption and environmental challenges, the authorities emphasize the need for vigilance, underscoring the delicate balance between normalcy and the persistent battle against air pollution.

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